Friday, November 21, 2014

Intolerant Smokers, Stupidity Beyond Measure

Have you ever in a situation where some people actually smoke in public? These people were so obnoxiously intolerant. They would just sit and have enjoy their smoke. Without noticing even regarding surrounding people. They would just simply lit their cigarettes and puff out toxic smoke. And you, would just simply gaze and try to cover your nose. An attempt to hinder the toxic smoke to be exhaled. Or even, you hum or pretend to cough lightly. An effort to make the smokers notice and stop smoking. Then, if you are in your boiling point, you would simply warn the smokers to stop or move away from the place. You would rather do this. Otherwise, the smoker would then react compulsively. Since the smokers lit their cigarettes in public, its the sign that they are intolerant. Or partly stupid.

There are two kinds of smokers. First, the tolerant smokers. This type of smokers usually smoke in certain condition and place. They are kind of smoker who know where and when to smoke. They will smoke in a smoking room or even smoking chamber. Or, they will smoke if their friends or acquaintances offer them cigarettes. And of course, they would solely smoke in the proper place. Or where non-smokers people are not around. And the later, is the intolerant smokers. As what I have described above, these smokers are the worst kind of smokers. They will smoke everywhere and anytime. Even in public, where non-smokers are around. The worst victims that they simply ignore are pregnant women and children.

Pregnant Women, Two in One Victim
Have you ever seen a pregnant woman accompanied by a man having smoke. If you had, it's a double killing in one shot. The pregnant woman as the passive smoker is simply inhale the toxic smoke. Then, the fetus will also be affected. Just imagine, the pure and healthy fetus is 'injected' through the mother's inhalation 7.000 chemical in the cigarette smoke. According to a research, the health risks of smoke for the pregnant mother and the fetus are fatal. It can cause miscarriage or stillbirth. There will be indication of premature birth and low birth weight. Or the fetus will suffer complication during birth. Infant will also die of SUDI (Sudden Unexpected Death on Infant), which includes SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and fatal sleep accidents. (reference:

And seeing a pregnant woman or baby or children around a smoker, is a terrible scene. The man is a true simpleton. And the woman surrender by the man's egoistic nature. If the man is the father of the unborn baby, he is degrading its  health quality. The way of saying that, the father does not want the baby to be borne. Smoking around the pregnant wife is a clear message that, the husband does not want a healthy family. Not only for his wife or unborn baby, but also for himself. Family life longevity is clearly cut clear from his family.

Baby or Children, Killing and Role Modelling
Intolerant smoker who smoke around baby or children is a killer and a true bad role model. A pure lung of baby or children is being injected by toxic puff-out of cigarette. And prolong health risks as an innocent passive smoker, baby or children are so fragile. A child who lives in a smoking-prone parents or people for the first 18 months of their life, could suffer from bronchitis and pneumonia. He or she may also prone to get cold, coughs, and glue ear. Prolong exposure o smoke on children can reduce the ability an growth of his/her lungs. The worst is that children of smoking-parents, have an increased risk of meningococcal disease which can cause disability or death. (reference:

Not to forget, the psychological impact for children from smoking people surround them. They would simply imitate and repeat the smoking habit. Children who see or live around smoking people can simply be a smoker in the future. A six years study conducted by Georgetown University Medical Center revealed that children born and raised can become a smokers. By interviewing 4.000 parents and adolescents children age 12 to 17 years old, indication of early age smokers do come from families who has smoking people around. (reference:

And, what most people think that these intolerant smokers will not give a damn about the health risks. They prefer relinquish their addiction for nicotine in tobacco by smoking. Their brain is occupied by prevailing addiction. It simple insist and force them to smoke. Their body will just shiver to cure the addiction. Their mind is bewildered by the taste of tar and nicotine. Addiction that clearly take away their conscience. Without any regards of surrounding people, they lit their cigarettes. Not just once, they would do this over and over again, everywhere.
So please, do stop becoming an intolerant smokers. Be wise in smoking. Or much better advice, stop smoking.


Solo November 20, 2014

08:35 pm
